Thursday, April 11, 2013

8 shades of blue

Yummy colors huh! It's weird how the color combination reminds me of Alice in the wonderland+ Candy land with only pastel colors.:))
The Summer heat is on! Time to pack away my dark colored clothes and bring out the bright colored ones! Looks like April will be the only time I can wear flimsy skirts and sleeveless tops since my family and I will be going on an Alaskan cruise->Canada->Japan for May-June. ;_; HUHU Hate super cold weather hopefully my body can somehow adjust to the sudden climate change since I had a little practice from our trip (Korea) last February 2013.

On Queenzyleen: (Headband and Socks from F21, Mint/Sky blue/Coral colored top from Jaspal, Mint colored skirt from Harajuku, Japan, Heels from Sugarfree by Mayo Wo )

Powder blue tassles :()

Scalloped shaped

-Kuinzirin Rii ^-^v

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