Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

A day late. I know:D 
I don't know about you but when I hear the word "Easter", I immediately think of cute pastel colored things, specifically eggs and bunny ears. But of course, Easter sunday is not about bunnies hiding eggs for you to find, it's just something they used to teach children the concept of JC dying on the cross and resurrecting again after 3 days. Hence the color combination of what I'm wearing now. Red. Black. White.

At first glance, I look like I'm wearing a black dress that's the nice thing about fitted cropped top, you can make it look like you're wearing a dress. Sometimes, there are these bottoms that are so "alanganin" in length that you don't know what to wear on top. So buying this top is perfect! Especially if you have a nice body e.g. hot abs :)) (Wishful thinking here)

I got the top and skirt from Forever 21 on one of my random impulse buys. Got the oversized blazer from zoo and sneakers from Cotton on. You can opt not to wear the blazer if you feel confident showing of your body, like I said it would look even better if you have a nice one. This is as close as I can get to revealing some skin:)) I don't think I can go out without the blazer  --> My shy conservative nature won't permit to do so.  Plus I don't think it's very church appropriate anyway if I leave out the blazer. Good thing I take my pictures inside my room now, So liberating to take my own photos now. More poses, more pictures to choose from. More problems too--> Taking me a longer time*(longer than the usual) to post an entry cause of the photos that need to be cut down and edited. Pain in the a** now by the way. Haha

Holy week was sorta boring. How did it come to a point that staying inside the house for more than a day  feels like being imprisoned for a month. Do you know the feeling of black outs and everyone's forced to entertain each other since you're all stuck inside the house? Well, that's how it felt like the whole time. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with my crazy family! I just hate the monotony of our routine: Literally, Eat, sleep, Tv and Exercise. Every single day! (Some would say,at least may exercise?)Maybe I'm just not used to staying inside the house the whole day. It has only been a week or so since school ended. 

Coat on again:

I'm always wearing this watch. This or the Marc Jacobs one=sucks btw. I don't really wear a lot of accessories but watches are a must.

Sorry. It's just so hard to choose. I had to choose like 5 from my 79 photos. @_@ maybe soon, I will learn the art of cut throat system. Just choose one! (indecisiveness at play) Probably if I'm sick of taking a multitude of pictures. Maybe.
Also, You may have noticed the different lighting/color of the pictures. hahaha! that's the product of laziness. Some edited, some aren't. HEHE
Anyway, Thanks for scrolling down! Happy Easter everyone!

PS: Thinking of painting my room white--> At least this side of the wall for picture purposes. What do you think?

-Kuinzirin Rii ^_^

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