Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Chilly weekend wedding

Last weekend we attended a Tagaytay wedding up at Ville Sommet. The weather would have been an ideal one if only we came prepared and were in comfy clothes. As you can see here my dress was less than perfect for a chilly weather ha ha the turtle neck part helped though;)

What can I say? the place was fitting to have a wedding especially a wedding shoot but a little bit inappropriate for lady guests wearing high heeled shoes. In other words, it was torture going up and down the steps. For one, the road was rough and steep that being said, wearing high heels would mean extra steep oh you know what I mean. In short, it was so scary trying to go down the path to the actual events place its like any minute now you'll fall flat on your face. :))

The travel to Tagaytay was torture! It took so long with the long traffic for reasons I still don't know even on the way back there was still heavy traffic. It was all so bizarre no actual cause of traffic I blame the Save more opening:))

(On Queen: Tyler dress and Sleeh x Mayo Wo powder blue tassle heels)

The path I was talking about:))

Combined the wedding ceremony and reception place

-Kuinzirinrii ^_-

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