Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mod Sunday with the Great Gatsby!

(On Queen: Nana sound (Korea) Dress, Esperanza heels with socks)

Dress perfect for a day of eating. It's a whole day of eating, not meals, because whenever you're with family there is no schedule for having a snack. Now, who wouldn't want to spend time with family with that in store? On second thought, if you're trying to lose weight or watching your figure spending time with your family everyday might not be such a good idea Haha Kidding.

I should really try to incorporate food reviews into this blog since we always try new restaurants. It's just that I find blogging about food hard. What's so hard about blogging about food, you say? Well, I don't usually take photos of my food so that's one. Two, stopping everyone including myself from digging in immediately once the plate hits the table is HARD! The mere self control and pressure of getting a good first shot of the food is enough reason to not blog about food. Hahaha. I can already hear  my sisters side commenting already ("Faster!" "*sniggers* Yuck taking photos of food" "Come on, picture picture ka pa eh " etc. lol) and of course the \ / eyebrow you'll get from them lol.

Anyway today I wil be doing something a little different from the usual. A movie review!!!!!! As far as  my memory can remember, the usual family bonding we do is movie marathons+food trips at our usual mall. Back to I was saying, Today we randomly picked out a movie well there's really not much to choose from since cinemas still feature ironman so with not much selections we chose the great gatsby with no expectations whatsoever. WHICH by the way I think is the best possible attitude you could have when doing things. Of course, it's not something you can actually control, just saying I find watching films with no expectations at all makes the movie better. So if you're reading this now, I'm ruining my whole point of the no-expectation-in-watching-movies point. lol

I first guessed the setting of the film to be in the twenties solely because of the clothes women were wearing. Have I told you I love watching old classy films preferably sad or love stories with sad songs, go figure! haha With flapper dress with sequins/glitters/silk/lace, Antique cloche hats, dress-fringe, finger wave-like hair, charleston dress, Knife pleat dress, Tea gowns, Head bands with feather attached, pearls and all that glitter. For some reason, I found favor in the movie more than it deserves I guess. So this review might not be so credible now hahaha anyhow, one thing you'll also gain from watching this movie is the sudden infatuation for New York. It's amazing! Personally, I don't find anything special with the states in general but after seeing this film, I wanted to go there myself but with the same setting of the film so that's no longer possible now obviously.
You will actually find the film a tiny bit dragging at first when you're not at all familiar with the book so I urge you to force yourself to listen and watch even if you don't get what's going on.
Another comment though is the acting of Mr. Leonardo Di Caprio, I don't know if it's intentional but it didn't give off the natural vibe of acting, it seemed kinda amateur fake. Aside from that, No complaints.

How is it that I manage to hate the protagonist's lady love in films?? In my defense, This girl is very self-absorbed and shallow who proved herself to be so when she was only there in good times. See how affected I am with films?? hahahaha

I rate this movie a 7.5/10.

P.S. I loved the OST! Especially the Young and beautiful by Lana Del Rey. I will be listening to this song for about a week on repeat hahaha!

ANYWAY, here's some awful quality of a picture of my outfit. -_-

-KuinzirinRii ^-^

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