Sunday, February 3, 2013

All leathered up!

Something dark for a change. Had to wear something flat today lets just say my feet are too sore from last night's shindig👀😧

Excuse the bruises-_-#✌eye sore. Recently I've been slipping and bumping to objects which seem to be conveniently be there whenever I'm being clumsy. Despite my very badgered legs I still dared to wear skirts that highlight these bruises lol.

Anyway, what I wore today is very simple sometimes I get so used to wearing uniforms that I'm beginning to lack the creativity or the imagination to come up with something nice to wear. Plus its 5 days of boring uniform vs 2 days of civilian. Very hard to think of something new :))
Forever 21 faux leather top with a black long sleeves underneath, leather shirt from thailand and bottom line oxfords:)

Pretty right?

Kuinzirin Rii ^_-

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